If you didn't already know, (how the fuck could you not!?) The magnificent Blonde Redhead is headlining Jelly NYC's weekly "POol Party" at McCarren Park Pool this Sunday, August 5th with a little help from I'm From Barcelona (or is it Barthelona)

There isn't much to say about Blonde Redhead except that they are simply amazing. They have never ceased to impress me, and with their latest effort simply titled "23" they've done it again. While still maintaing qualities from their past records that I love, they've somehow managed to, gasp, evolve (something most bands can't seem to even begin to fathom). Here's an excerpt from Filter Magazine's piece on Blonde Redhead from their Spring '07 issue:
Here are a few sample MP3'S from Blonde Redhead's "23" that I have personally taken to.
Blonde Redhead - Spring By Summer Fall (Is this not some fucking Shoegaze)
Like I mentioned before, Blonde Redhead are getting a little help from support group I'm from Barcelona. I don't know too much about this band, except that they apparently have a more than a couple members.

I hope they can fit on the stage.
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