This is a little late, but I couldn't not post something about it.
The legendary Anthony Wilson passed away last Friday, August 10th.
Once dubbed "Mr. Manchester,"he was best known for being the manager of historic Manchester nightclub (The Hacienda/FAC51), head of Factory Records (recently F4 Records) which was home of Happy Mondays, Joy Division, Durutti Column and numerous other influential Manchester bands. Wilson was also a journalist for Granada Television and the BBC.
Sorry for the lack of posts this last week. There is really no excuse. So, Because I feel sooo bad for being AWOL, here's a little treat that will hopefull smooth everything over:
This is possibly one of the best covers of any song I have ever heard. It's an electronic cover of The Smiths' masterpiece "There Is A Light That Never Goes Out." It is as heart-wrenchingly beautiful as the original off of The Smiths' "The Queen Is Dead" (Rough Trade)
Who is this Schneider TM? Wikipedia says that: "Schneider TM is the name used for the solo electronic music projects of Dirk Dresselhaus, a former rhythm-section member for several German indie rock bands. He released his first single under this name in 1997."
Have you ever said that you really didn't like a certain band or artist even though you hadn't really taken a real listen to their material, only to find that you might actually be into it?
Today I was listening to my I-Pod on shuffle when a song came on that I didn't recognize. The song immediately clicked with my taste, and I began to wonder who it was by. I resisted the urge to look at the screen of my I-Pod, and tried to guess the band who was playing. I liked it, a lot, so I had to know it... but I couldn't pin-point who it was. Finally, I took a look at the pod, and lo-and-behold, the song was by a band that I had previously trashed...
The song was by the band Film School, who I chose to hate a year or so ago. I'm not going to say that I went from hating to loving Film School, but I will say that I have started to enjoy their song "Sick of the Shame," off of their self-titled release.
If you like moody, shoegazey, progressive music, take a listen to this song.
OK, This is going to sound really really dorky, but I found a U.S. Nickel from 1937, and I got really excited.
After looking at it for a minute, I realized that the side with the Native American on it also said "Liberty" on it. I just thought, how stupid. I guess it's good that the U.S. Government is honoring the original inhabitants of this soil, but put the word Liberty next to a Native American is just ludacris.
If you didn't already know, (how the fuck could you not!?) The magnificent Blonde Redhead is headlining Jelly NYC's weekly "POol Party" at McCarren Park Pool this Sunday, August 5th with a little help from I'm From Barcelona (or is it Barthelona)
There isn't much to say about Blonde Redhead except that they are simply amazing. They have never ceased to impress me, and with their latest effort simply titled "23" they've done it again. While still maintaing qualities from their past records that I love, they've somehow managed to, gasp, evolve (something most bands can't seem to even begin to fathom). Here's an excerpt from Filter Magazine's piece on Blonde Redhead from their Spring '07 issue:
"Like 2003’s wonderfully noir Misery is a Butterfly, 23 is sweeping and large (Kazu calls it “layered to fuck”), but the tunes are still as emotionally delicate as they’ve ever been. Kazu’s vocal work remains so slight and gossamer that, without the occasional high-pitched yelp, you might forget she’s not an instrument. Amedeo delicately balances her out with singing that retains the airy ambiance but which is much more definitive and focused. Behind it all, Simone’s percussion drives the up-tempo melancholy and anchors the guitars, offering a clear beat to tap a foot to..."-Cord Jefferson, Filter
Here are a few sample MP3'S from Blonde Redhead's "23" that I have personally taken to.
Like I mentioned before, Blonde Redhead are getting a little help from support group I'm from Barcelona. I don't know too much about this band, except that they apparently have a more than a couple members.
This is a fresh new video off of YouTube that is deifinitely worth checking out. The video itself is a World War II Propaganda Cartoon spliced up and set to the song "Mohammed Needs A Hug," which was a collaboration of several different artists under the alias Topical Solution.
The music and lyrics were written by Eric Lefcowitz and Michael Meehan, Frankpollis played the more electric/band elements of the song, Roger Greenawalt played some acoustic guitar and produced the tune, and Julian Verlard sang the vocals. The song is a rough, spliced up edit, but could definitely be a very catchy poppy tune if re-recorded and re-mastered.
Here it is :
Visit the Mohammed Needs A Hug Myspace for more at:
So, I haven't posted in a while. I have no excuse, and despite my apethetic attitude towards this blog over the past few weeks, I have no shame. HA. But I am no willing to at least try to post something every day or two. (WHY NOT?)So my triumphant bleep bleepTM comeback will begin with this:
For those people out there like me who worship warm, drippy, trippy "stoner rock" bands like Dead Meadow, Darker My Love and many others, you will definitely appreciate this. As for the rest of you dull, petty folk, just sit there and pay attention. OK!
I don't know too much information about this video, but I do know that it's pretty fucking awesome. Even though it has it's semi-cheesy moments, this video is bringing to the light a lot of American bands that most people wouldn't have even known existed despite their sheer, undeniable ability to... erm, rock... And just make good tunes in general. PLUS, it's named after one of Dead Meadow's best songs, "Such Hawks Such Sounds" off of their last LP "Feathers" (Matador)Anyways, here you go.
(from Director John Srebalus)
Featuring: Acid King, Bardo Pond, Comets on Fire, Dead Meadow, The Hidden Hand, High on Fire, Mammatus, Nebula, OM, Pearls AndBrass, and Sunn O)))
Ian Williams of Battles had this to say about The Strokes:
"The Strokes were just rich kids from uptown New York; the children of the heads of supermodel agencies who formed a rock band and thought they deserved respect because of that. Suddenly the downtown, older form of punk rock got co-opted by the system. If ever there was a point where Gucci and rebellion were married together, it was right there. The Strokes have, basically, been responsible for five or six years of a new form of hair metal, in the guise of something more tasteful. Their music is post-9/11 party music because it came out that week and everybody wanted to dance. They're seen as the rebirth of rock in the UK - but it's a very conservative, old-fashioned idea of rock for the 21st century. As for their punk credentials, I'm not going to say anyone's more authentic than anyone else ... But the Strokes are the new Duran Duran; the new decadence for the new millennium." [The Guardian]
Ridiculous and pointless.
But shit this video is good:
BATTLES are also playing with Deerhunter at South Street Seaport later this summer (August 31st) But that's not for a bit.
Ever heard of this band The Chakras? No? Neither have I. Well, not until myspace started force-feeding them down my throat. This past week or so, Myspace added The Chakras to their featured artists section, who according to their biography are Ireland's "most intriguing band of the moment. Whatever that means. So, I was bored, and decided to take a little look at this "intriguing" new band The Chakras just for the hell of it, and this is what I have to say.
If their singer was a mute, I think I might actually enoy their music. The song I listened to is called "Build Me a Swan." The song actually starts out ok, with swooping electric guitar with extra extra reverb, and lots of ambience, which is hard for me not to love. But, then HE starts singing. At first it's great, then it's the worst fucking thing you've ever heard anyone sing. The song is in the vein of bands like Slowdive, Sigur Ros,and Mew... And I could almost, almost almost almost take this band seriously. It's too bad. Maybe if they were just a very melodic jam/prog band, I could get down with 'em, anything without those vocals, pleeeease.
This post is a little late, but I had to to write something about the Le Rug Record release party that happened on Saturday.
The show was at RayHand's, a kind of bizarre warehouse/loft type space in Park Slope/Carrol Gardens, Brooklyn, that has a lot of potential to be a really amazing place to see a band. The show wa put on by Rats of Nimh, who have been known for throwing parties in spaces you would never think a party could even happen, but somehow turn out amazing.
I arrived at RayHand's a little late, but just in time to catch the awesome set of Danish band Kirsten Ketsjer (The Rock Band), not to be confused with the singer Kirsten Ketsjer. Before their set, Ray (Le Rug) told me that I was going to love this band, but that he didn't really like them. He claimed that they were "too much like that band Deerhunter..." Sounds good to me. Anyways, Ray was right, and I really enjoyed most of Kirsten Ketsjer's set. The songs were very poppy in a Pavement, Wowee Zowee sort of way, and once in a while they would break down into straight-up noise. The perfect combination of sweet pop, and noise destruction.
Le Rug went on around midnight, and played for about forty-five minutes. Prior to their set, Ray told me they would just be playing their songs straight ahead, and they weren't going to have any noise sessions or anything like that (since there were a few reps from various labels in the audience) This kind of bummed me out since I know how well Ray and his band can make spontaneous noise. Still, their set was a very energetic one, but also a remarkably short one despite their twelve song strong set list.
I would really like to see Le Rug again, but not in a situation where they need to impress a corporate/label type.
Here are a couple pictures I took during Le Rug's set. Sorry for the low qualit
I made an error in my last post about the Le Rug show. The show is TONIGHT (4/28), and it definitely didn't happen last night (4/27) like i posted before.
Le Rug is the new project of ex-medics singer Ray Weiss. I haven't heard every track from the debut record "Bleenex," but what I have heard off of Le Rug's Myspace page is stellar. Ray has written a batch of new post-punky/shoegazey songs that one could say are reminiscent of early Stereolab, My Bloody Valentine, Built to Spill, and of course, The Fall. But also on the record are some much improved songs that Ray originally wrote for his previous project The Medics ( A good example of an improved song is the new version of the purely shoegaze track "Bomb." The song previously included a prominent arpeggiated guitar line that ascended througout the entire song. On the new Bleenex version of "Bomb," the ascending guitar has been replaced with an arrangementt that has an ascending - arpeggiated slidey synth line. A much better arrangement in my opinion.
Again, the Le Rug are playing their record release TONIGHT at RayHand's Hatmaking Studio, which is off the Bergen St. stop on the F.
For more information visit Le Rug's myspace at To purchase their record "Bleenex," search LeRug (no space) on Itunes, or go to
Acid/Drone-Pop rockers Deerhunter are set to play the second of their two New York City shows tonight at Todd P's Silent Barn in Bushwick. I'm really excited for this show since I've never seen Deerhunter play, and I am anticipating that their live show will be as much a spectacle as their current releases, "Flourescent Grey EP," and "Cryptograms" [Kranky], whose tracks are consistently quite supernal. Though it appears some who have witnessed Deerhunter live couldn't appreciate Deerhunter's somewhat atypical sound. On their Myspace, the band has posted personal accounts of various Deerhunter shows over the past year or two, such as:
" Actual Testimony: "Tonight I saw your group in Nashville. Please, STOP MAKING (what might be concieved as) MUSIC! You have no melodies, there was no songwriting skills involved, lack of chord structures, AND your songs are pathetically too long. It's an embarassment you opened for the yeahyeahyeahs. I turned my back to your group after 2 songs...and I remainded that way until your wannabe art student asses left. I would tell everyone I know not to see you...but it looks as if your front man is about to die. Seriously, get that half-ass man some help. You try to pull off this "shock and awe" pretentious bull-shit and its horrible! Iggy Pop, Velvet Underground, and Black Flag, all used some "shock and awe" BUT they had the MUSIC to back it up! You guys need to either quit for a year or learn how to play your damn intruments! I felt raped of my money tonight. I was ashamed to even play music because you guys are on this earth. I've seen over 100 shows in my life and I've seen bad, believe me, but you guys take the cake.Everyone around me was also disgusted. Stop, please just stop. If I see your flier in my town, I will take it down, if you are booked anywhere within a state of me I will publically speak and tell people not to go. You are a pile of shit in this "thing" we call the music business. Go get a job. Fuckin' wannabe's man....fuckin wannabe's. In the words of a brilliant band called Travis..."Peace the fuck out!" -Pissed and ashamed" (Deerhunter's Myspace Page)
It also seems like people still can't seem to get over the weight of singer Bradford Cox, "...The lead singer looked like he could fall over and die from hunger at any point during the set." (Deerhunter's Myspace Page)
Skinny Singers and bad mouthers aside, this show should be great, and a hopefully trippy experience. Anyone who can appreciate atmospheric, psychadelic pop should definitely head out to the Silent Barn tonight, 10 PM. Deerhunter are at the top of the bill, but the rest of the night isn't too shabby either. Also playing are: Awesome Color, Dirty Projectors, and Black Moth Super Rainbow.
For more information visit:,,, or
Deerhunter's Video For "Strange Lights" off of Crypograms [Kranky]
Even though I'm going to see Deerhunter tonight, another great band that I need to mention also has a show. Le Rug (Ray Weiss) are playing the release party for their debut record Bleenex. More to come later.
Le Rug at RayHand's Hatmaking Studio 623 Bergen St. (Park Slope), Brooklyn, All Ages, $5